A Self-Publishing Partnership

Cookies and Oxygen Publishing is a relationally-driven independent book publisher. We work with a single author at a time, investing in their development as a writer as well as editing their writing, because both things are equally important to us.

We work from within a self-publishing framework due to the empowerment this offers the author. Our authors get to retain the creative control and higher royalty rates of self-publishing, while gaining a partner to handle the editorial and technical aspects of publishing.

We refer to this as a self-publishing partnership.

This approach means our authors do not have to learn lots of new skills, software, or terminology (though some of our authors choose to do so). Instead, they can focus on promoting their book and writing the next one.

Our Story is Only Just Beginning

In September 2017 we published our first fiction book: a young adult fantasy novel, Eagle’s Guard written by Lindsey Stirling. Our second and third books followed in 2018, both of them non-fiction: Lament Forgive by Steve Hall explores forgiveness and memory from a Christian perspective, while Help! OK by Richard O. Morgan asks where can we find the right listener to see magic happen?

At the tale end of 2020, we are releasing a further two novels: The Dancer at the Feast by G. Ian Smith, and our first sequel, Eagle’s Path by Lindsey Stirling.

With our catalogue of books now standing at five, our story is only just beginning.

Buy Directly From Us

Our authors’ stories transport you to new worlds or their ideas open up new avenues of imagination. By purchasing one or more of our books directly from us, you encourage and support these authors through the higher royalty they will receive. And you help our shared publishing story reach another chapter. Thank you.

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